
Our dedicated and modern R&D facility ensures that all steps of new product development and innovation are addressed.

Partner with us

We truly believe that developing and commercializing innovative therapies is not always achieved alone but as a result of fruitful partnerships. For the same motive we have teamed up with partners not just locally but globally too.

Indus business development approach is firmly committed to furthering our success while strengthening our competitive position through partnerships.


Contract manufacturing, outsourcing and partnering opportunities are always welcomed. Global partners may contact our business development team for leveraging and linking with the best in the business of quality medicine manufacturing and marketing.

We always take a universal approach when identifying opportunities with the intent to diversify our portfolio and living the mission.


Our dedicated and modern R&D facility ensures that all steps of new product development and innovation are addressed.

Our R&D capabilities include dossier development, chemical synthesis, process optimization, formulation development, analytical development, and conducting stability studies.

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